by Fintan Dunne - The official US cover-story of the events at Baghdad airport, when their forces fired at a car carrying Italian reporter Giuliana Sgrena is now completely discredited. Now that we know more, the incident at the airport looks at least as consistent with an ambush as it is with a "mishap." This kidnapping fits a pattern of previous suspicious hostage-taking, consistent with a psychological warfare program in support of US war objectives in Iraq. The objective is to emotionally involve ordinary American, Britons and Italians in support of the war, by enmeshing ordinary middle-class citizens in the war - as victims.
look guys, I could write anything here too, and not back it up. Oh yes, internet research has it all, but it is not right here! CNN gets quoted almost everyday, but no-one bothers to ask CNN to quote the sources of its reports, and then quotes that. Maybe I should do that? How do I do that? I have written to the editor before, it did not reply.
Thousand Island, (mayo and ketchup).
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